Clarity in the Cold

Once the haze of summer has finally let go and the first fire has been lit, the cooler weather sweeping in always brings with it a mysterious sense of clarity. I wrote about it a few years ago and it still holds true. I don’t think I’ll ever know exactly what brings me to such a focused state at this time of year, maybe its the crystalline atmosphere and shifting light that puts everything into a different perspective. Whatever it is, there’s a bit of magic in that cool breeze and a little more drama that sets fire to the imagination, begging to be reckoned with. The incoming flood of inspiration usually coincides with the calm before the storm of next year’s shows and the less than fun aspects of studio work like taxes and planning kick in. Having a few precious months void of paperwork and devoted to making always comes around when I need it the most. The studio turns back into a place of inspiration and exploration, where I can enjoy the process, take risks and respond to intuition. It’s a time to play with new ideas, figure things out and get back into a rhythm that doesn’t have to respond to the world around it for a little while.

Do you have a time of year where you are more inspired than others? Comment below with the time of year and why you think that is, cause I’d love to hear what times of year other creatives feel like they are the most productive!


State of the Studio | Spring 2020 Edition


On The Road | A Few Days In Nashville, TN